Here is my dad returning from Operation Desert Shield after three months in Saudi Arabia when I was 16 right before Thanksgiving 25 years ago. (That's me on the far right in the blue coat.) We took hundreds of yellow balloons to the airport and we had hung yellow ribbons along the streets leading to our home!
I still remember the day in August 1990 when I found out my dad was to be deployed in the coming week. That night I got to carry the American flag onto the football field at the Tooele High School football game with the color guard-- I was an emotional wreck! That night as the band played "The Star Spangled Banner", with tears streaming down my face, is when I felt a true love and devotion to the great United States of America. I'm sure all the football players wondered what my problem was that night as I passed all of them after the flag ceremony since no one else knew at the time. Ever since that night, my heart swells with a love of country and a land of freedom.

My grandpa Peterson (WWII), my sister Rachael, my dad - Ron (Operation Desert Shield) and my sister Rebecca!

My dad with my little sister!

Scott's Dad-- Mario Joe Ropelato (Korean War)
Thank you to all who have fought to preserve the freedoms I hold dear to me!
Rachael's Tribute:
Growing up I was always taught to honor all of our Veterans and our country. I am grateful for the many men and women who serve or who have served our country. I have many examples of what a true hero is. A man who had to leave his wife and 8 children for 3 months, but at the time did not know exactly when he would be home. This is my hero....MY DAD!!! He has given his time for his family, his church, and his country. There is nothing this man would not do for anyone. I am grateful my grandpas also served during WWII for our freedom. I love and miss both of them, but I know that they are watching over each of us.
Rebecca's Tribute:
I am so grateful to be an American, grateful to all those who have, are, and will fight to keep it free!! I am especially grateful for my Daddy who served his country, here he is returning home from Desert Shield in 1990. He left his wife and 8 children for his country and I am Proud to be his daughter. I am grateful for both of my Grandpa's so served in WWll.
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