Today we went to test out Scott's new Ice Fishing equipment he received for Christmas! First we drove to Rockport Reservoir and drove around. Because it has been so warm, the ice had about an inch of water on top of it. We decided this may not be the best scenario for ice fishing with three little girls so we drove up to Smith and Moorehouse Reservoir in the Uinta's. Scott had his sled packed to the hilt with our canopy (with tarps around all four sides to keep the heat in), clamps, chairs, a heater, auger, ice fishing poles, tackle box, a fish finder, a single burner camp stove, mess kit, cooler and even a port-a-potty (he realized he might not get four girls to go fishing with him until he had all the amenities of home-- or at least the amenities of our trailer--which we so very much appreciated). Scott used his muscles to pull the packed sled across the ice! He kept going and going and going until we were in the middle of the reservoir! We set up our fishing hut and Scott dug several holes in the ice (which was 12 inches thick) before we realized I forgot the bait back in the truck. I walked the 1/2 mile or so back to the truck and retrieved the bait while Scott got his fish finder all set up. The girls had fun playing on the ice and getting their gloves all wet! After an hour of watching our poles and waiting for them to move, we decided to fix lunch since the fish weren't biting. Scott fired up our single burner camp stove and heated our chicken we brought for chicken sandwiches. We watched our poles some more and they never moved. After four hours, we began to pack up. Scott kept warning the girls to stay away from the holes in the ice so they didn't fall in. Just as we were finishing up, Hayley's foot fell into one of the holes. I wish we would have taken a picture at the instant of her face, she knew she was in trouble because she was goofing around!! Luckily, only one foot got wet, so Hayley and I took off for the truck so we could get her warm. We arrived at the truck and got everything loaded just as it was getting dark. We had a fun time testing out our ice fishing equipment without any luck catching our dinner! Maybe next time!
Brittney and Hayley kickin' back