Friday, June 3, 2016

Award's Assembly at Fremont Elementary

This morning was the Award’s Assembly at school! 

HOPE OF AMERICA AWARD given by Sunset City Mayor and Kiwanis Club President to Mallory (with  Erin)

The first award they did was the “Hope of America” Award. This award is given to the top 6th grade students at school from the Kiwanis Club who display leadership qualities. Mallory received this award from the Sunset City Mayor who is also the Kiwanis Club President for Northern Davis County. Mallory, Emmalee Slater, Kaylee Cardenas and Janeth Ameda received the award—all girls. Mallory’s teacher had told me she would be receiving this award three weeks ago so I could plan to be there. They had the parents come up and have our pictures taken when they gave the presentation. It was really neat! Mallory lead the Pledge of Allegiance in the assembly also.

Mallory received the following awards in the assembly:
·         -Hope of America
·         -Top Math Student in her class
·        - Davis Decathlon Participant
·        - Student Council 2015-2016
·         -Library Assistant Service Award
·         -Trophy for Davis County Math Olympiad participant

    Mallory also received a class award of being the best writer in her class. I guess she got 29/30 on her Final State Writing Assessment!

Hayley and her friend Shaylee at the Award's Assembly

Hayley received the following awards in the assembly:
·        - Davis Decathlon Participant
·        - Perfect Attendance Award for 2015-2016
·       -  Student Council 2015-2016
·      -  Library Assistant Service Award
·         -Trophy for Davis County Math Olympiad participant

Hayley was also called up as the 2016-2017 Student Council!!

Brittney received the following award in the assembly:
·        - Top Math Student in her class

After the Award’s Assembly, 2nd grade had their own trophy ceremony for all those who read 100 hours during the school year (which entails reading 25-30 minutes per night all school year). Brittney was so excited to get her trophy! She ended up turning in reading logs for over 140 hours but I know she read a lot more than that! Way to be Brittney B!!!