In November, Mallory, Hayley and Brittney participated in a Reading Marathon where they read at least 20 minutes per night for 4 weeks. Each of them met their goal of reading at least 480 and were invited to a fun to a fun celebration at the Utah State Fairpark. We were able to watch a star show, make slime, plant flower seeds, make crowns, watch a magic show, make masks, eat snow cones, make capes, see animals from Madagascar (a cockroach, turtle, millipede and a hedgehog) and make harmonicas. We also watched an anteater run circles in an empty plastic pool!! The girls also received a brand new book!!
One of the highlights was to meet several characters from PBS Kids! We met Curious George, the Cat in the Hat, and Dog from Word World! (My girls LOVE PBS Kids!!!)

Hayley: a chemist in action measuring chemicals to create Glitter Slime

Hayley, Brittney and Mallory listening to the zoologist from Hogle Zoo talk about anteaters

Brittney and Mallory blowing a pompom through a maze

Hayley shooting a dart gun (I was amazed at how well all 3 of our girls did hitting the target!)

Brittney and the Cat in the Hat

Hayley and The Cat

Mallory and the Cat in the Hat

Hayley and Dog from Word World

Brittney and Curious George

Mallory making her "I Feel Super" cape
We had a great time together as a family!!