Monday, February 1, 2016

Provo City Temple Open House

I took the girls out of school about noon to take them to the Provo City Temple Open House (they had early out all week for SEP’s so they were getting out at 1:20 anyway). It was pretty snowy down in Salt Lake and Provo for the morning commute so I looked at traffic cameras to make sure the roads would be good to go down. Luckily, the roads looked really good.  We grabbed lunch at Arby’s and ate on the way down.

The temple was beautiful. We got a wheelchair for Grandma—I’m really glad we did—there was a lot of walking and stairs. She had the nicest guy push her around. He was telling her all about things in the temple and he pointed out a lot of things. I wish we could have been with them the whole time to listen and learn from him (we waited for them at each level so we could go together). It was beautiful and I was glad I was able to get tickets and take the girls to see the inside of another temple. We are looking forward to the dedication because all of us can go since Brittney is now 8 years old!!

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