Thursday, August 5, 2010

Swimming with Cousins at Aunt Darinda's

Every Thursday all summer has been "Swimming" day at my SIL Darinda's house in Huntsville. Today was the first and only Thursday we were able to make it up there all summer (that means we have been WAY TOOOOOO BUSY this summer)! Mallory and Hayley had a blast! They were in the pool for about 3 hours straight (Brittney only stayed in the pool about 45 minutes before she was off playing with her cousins). Jerry and Darinda's pool is the best ever because it is so nice--they heat their pool through their hot tub so it is nice and warm! I was stayed in the pool talking to Darinda (my SIL), Stacie (Scott's niece) and Natalie (another niece--Stacie and Natalie have kids the same ages or close to my girls). We had a wonderful time! I am so glad we were finally able to go!! The perfect shot of Mallory jumping off the diving board into the floaty!! Mallory is quite the little fishy!! (Isn't it just gorgeous up here!! I love going to Huntsville!!)

Hayley swimming to the stairs after jumping off the diving board--she is becoming a lot more comfortable in the water!!

Mallory jumping in--goggles and all!

Hayley mid air!!

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