Since Scott had Friday and Saturday off this week, we decided to go camping and 4-wheeling in Knolls (in Tooele County). When we woke up Friday morning, it was raining and I really wasn't very excited to pack the trailer and go camping--camping in the rain isn't very much fun (actually it isn't that bad because of the trailer). Anyway, we left as soon as Mallory got home from Kindergarten.
On the way to Knolls, the sun came out and there were very blue skies! It turned out to be a very nice weekend. When we arrived, we drove around looking for a place to camp (this is our very first time here). We decided to find a place to turn around and Scott pulled off the road onto a little dirt road where he thought we could turn around. (We have a very LONG load with our truck, the 5th wheel trailer and then the 4-wheeler trailer behind that.) Scott pulled off and went over a dirt road to turn around and all of a sudden we were in sand and sinking. The wheels spun and I was thinking "Oh no, we can't get stuck! How would we ever pull everything out of here!!" Scott got out and assessed the situation while I said a silent prayer. He tried several times to get the truck in four wheel drive and finally it clicked in. Amazing, we were able to drive right out of the place we got stuck!!! The prayer totally worked and Heavenly Father was really watching out for us! After we found a place to set up in the parking lot (that's where you are supposed to camp--right in the parking lot), we went for a ride on the four-wheelers and I took a picture of our sinking track marks in the sand.

Our tire tracks ---our little miracle!!

Mallory, Brittney and Hayley--ready to ride!



A look at Knolls

A little walk to check out the sights


Brittney, Scott and Hayley riding the dunes

Brittney (falling asleep), Scott and Hayley

Scott jumping (I have another shot where he is getting a lot more air but it's kind of blurry!!--you'll have to trust me!)

Scott showing off for HIS GIRLS


Scott and Mallory hill climbing--this is a close up but this hill was pretty long and pretty steep!!

Brittney and Hayley watching their daddy

Hayley, Mallory and Brittney standing on a sand pillar--can you see how Hayley is totally clinging onto Mallory for dear life?? She was
soooo scared to be standing there!!

Mallory and Scott posing with their sand castle they built--Brittney just wanted to be in the picture too!
Oh--I almost forgot, I had another little miracle on this trip. We went for a ride across a very flat area. Mallory was riding with me and I was letting her drive! She did a great job driving! When we got across the flats, I took over driving again with Mallory sitting in front of me. I really don't like the girls sitting in front of me because our helmets are always clanging together! Anyway, I was following Scott and I need to climb this steep sand hill. Well, I didn't gun it enough and I probably should have rolled the 4-wheeler but it didn't roll. I was about 5 feet from the top of this hill and I held the brake, screamed and Scott jumped off his 4-wheeler and made it down the hill, I got off (still holding the brake) and Scott was able to back the 4-wheeler back down the hill and then he got a good run at the hill and made it over. When Scott got to the top, he made me get back on the 4-wheeler, ride down the hill and ride back up the hill. I hadn't used 4-wheel drive on my 4-wheeler all day but this was the time I should have put it in 4-wheel drive before attempting this hill. I know Heavenly Father was watching out for us again. I know the prayers my little girls say to have us be safe are answered!! I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who watches out for us and protects us! I really need to recognize His hand more often in my life! I know there are times daily He has a hand in my life--I just need to stop and recognize them!
We had a great time together as a family! The girls made a little friend Makenzie who was camping near us-- they live only 2 miles away from us here in Clinton and Makenzie goes to the same preschool Hayley goes too! What a small world!!
WHAT A WONDERFUL SHORT TRIP!!!! It was soooo nice to get away for two day!!