Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sister Beck's Talk
I found the talk Sister Beck gave at Women's Conference this year--she gave a portion of the same talk at our Stake Conference Broadcast a few weeks ago. This talk really made me think and reevaluate my life and the things I do. Here is a link to the talk if you are interested in it,4945,9118-1-5187-1,00.html
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Dishing out Consequences
Well, Mallory, Hayley and Brittney all received a consequence for not listening last night. I called them into the house about 5 times to come get in the tub and to get ready for bed (who wants to listen to that on a Friday night???). When they finally came in I told them I would think of a big job for them to do for me tomorrow (that's one of my new takes on consequences--putting them to work--especially when I can't think of a consequence to fit the crime). When they woke up, I told them they were going to help me clean out the fridge. I didn't take any before pictures (they would have been too scary) but I did take a few of the girls cleaning and washing the fridge. They unloaded the fridge, dried all the shelves and drawers, washed out the fridge and help put everything back together. It is so nice to have a nice, clean fridge! Thanks girls!!
(They thought the whole project was fun and they just offered to clean Grandpa Ropelato's fridge for him too!! Does it count as a consequence if they have fun doing it? I kept telling them that someday they were going to have a fridge of their own to clean out and they needed to learn how to do it!)
(They thought the whole project was fun and they just offered to clean Grandpa Ropelato's fridge for him too!! Does it count as a consequence if they have fun doing it? I kept telling them that someday they were going to have a fridge of their own to clean out and they needed to learn how to do it!)

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Mallory's Mini Music Graduation
Today was a day to Graduate! Today was also Mallory's Graduation from her Mini Music Class she has been taking all year from Jacqi Johnson in our ward. She has been going to this class on Thursday's since September. Mallory has absolutely loved this class!! She is always asking if it's Thursday yet! Mallory was in a class with her best friend Abigale and another little girl, Kyla.
Today for their Graduation, the girls performed several songs they have learned, identified instruments from all the different music families and the girls taught us about the different kinds of notes.
After the performance, the girls received their diplomas and we went outside for ice cream treats!!!
Mallory loves music! Mallory loves listening to music in her room. Sometimes I will find her in her bedroom, with the door closed, lying on her bed with the CD player going! I think she will do well in piano lessons in a few years!
Mallory was so excited when Hayley, Brittney and I arrived (Mallory had to go practice 3o minutes before graduation)
Hayley's Preschool Graduation
This morning was Hayley's Preschool Graduation from Discovery Preschool of Clinton!!! Hayley was so excited for her "Celebration"! Brittney and I were able to attend the festivities with Hayley this morning.
Hayley and all her classmates went and got ready in their graduation caps and they all marched in with the Graduation March playing (I don't remember the real name of this song). After they sat down, the kids performed several songs and chants that they have been learning throughout the year. They went through their alphabet sound chant with the sign language alphabet, Five Little Monkey's, Number Writing Fun and an End of the Year Cheer. Hayley did so well--she was singing the whole time and I could hear her. Mrs. Pett handed out the kids diplomas and a special Memories book she has made for each of the kids throughout the year with some of their artwork and pictures she had taken.
After the graduation, we went outside for some treats and the kids played one last time on the swing set and all the fun toys. When I went to thank Mrs. Pett for everything, she thanked me for being such a great PR person. Everyone who asks if I know of a good preschool, I tell them about Tami because she is so wonderful!! Several of Brittney's friends are on a waiting list with her for preschool in a year and a half. We love DISCOVERY PRESCHOOL!!
Mrs. Pett wrote a personal note to Hayley too! Part of the letter said,
"I loved having you in my preschool class this year. You are such a happy girl. I love your smile! You are a hard worker. Thank you for listening and obeying the rules. Thank you for being a friend to everyone in class. You are a smart girl and will do great in kindergarten."
What a sweet and personal letter!!
Hayley has loved preschool so much!!! She has made some wonderful friends and she loves Mrs. Pett. Mrs. Pett is wonderful! Mallory loved her so much too!

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Cleaning the Church
This morning was the Primary's turn to clean the church. We had so many Primary kids and teachers show up that it only took about 35 minutes to clean today! While we were cleaning, the bishopric was in the kitchen making the kids waffles and scones! What a treat! It was delicious!
Grace, Mallory, Alaina, Brittney, Morgan, Hayley, Crede, Ethan
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hayley's Scripture Reading
The past few weeks, Hayley has become fascinated with my scriptures because they are soo colorful!! (I have a very intricate way of marking my scriptures and I LOVE THEM!) Tonight when I went in to cover up Hayley before I went to bed, I found her scriptures opened up on the floor beside her bed with her black colored pencil. She was "Reading" and marking her scriptures before she went to bed (in the dark no less!)! She is so cute! I love that she is gaining a love for her scriptures too!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dinosaur Park Field Trip
Today was Hayley's Preschool Field Trip to the Dinosaur Park. It worked out perfectly that we could all attend together today!!!! Mallory has had the past few days off for End of the Year Kindergarten Testing (Mallory had her appointment earlier this morning) and today is Scott's day off!! We brought Moses (Hayley's friend and our neighbor who is in Hayley's preschool class) with us too!
We met in the Education Center first where the kids made dinosaur puppets and they learned all about the four types of dinosaurs: carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, and insectivores (I never knew there were insectivores until today). After the craft, we were able to go and do whatever we wanted! The kids ran from here to there and back again!! Scott and I were both standing there trying to find and count heads!! We finally pulled all four kids together and discussed a few rules (we probably should have done this before we even got out of the truck--the kindergarten teacher in me wasn't thinking until everyone was able to run wild--Whenever I took my kindergarten class to the Dinosaur Park--which was at least five times--I ALWAYS had "The Talk" with them before we left the classroom, than again before we got off the bus and then again before we left the Education Center!!) Anyway, we had a great time. We walked around with Hayley's friends, Georgia and Madison (they were also on her soccer team--and their sister Justice, who is Mallory's age and their mom--my friend, Julie) and also with my sister Aleece and her daughters Kaitlin and Arika and her son A. J. We really had a fun time! The kids wanted to play on the playground more than anything!! I was sooooo glad Scott came with us!! I was wondering how I ever did this field trip with 20+ kids and no parent volunteers!! We brought a lunch and shared our sandwiches, chips, granola bars and cheese sticks with our friends! It turned out to be a great day!!
We met in the Education Center first where the kids made dinosaur puppets and they learned all about the four types of dinosaurs: carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, and insectivores (I never knew there were insectivores until today). After the craft, we were able to go and do whatever we wanted! The kids ran from here to there and back again!! Scott and I were both standing there trying to find and count heads!! We finally pulled all four kids together and discussed a few rules (we probably should have done this before we even got out of the truck--the kindergarten teacher in me wasn't thinking until everyone was able to run wild--Whenever I took my kindergarten class to the Dinosaur Park--which was at least five times--I ALWAYS had "The Talk" with them before we left the classroom, than again before we got off the bus and then again before we left the Education Center!!) Anyway, we had a great time. We walked around with Hayley's friends, Georgia and Madison (they were also on her soccer team--and their sister Justice, who is Mallory's age and their mom--my friend, Julie) and also with my sister Aleece and her daughters Kaitlin and Arika and her son A. J. We really had a fun time! The kids wanted to play on the playground more than anything!! I was sooooo glad Scott came with us!! I was wondering how I ever did this field trip with 20+ kids and no parent volunteers!! We brought a lunch and shared our sandwiches, chips, granola bars and cheese sticks with our friends! It turned out to be a great day!!

Brittney coloring her Triceratops
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Hot Tubbin'
Mallory and Hayley having been begging to get in the Hot Tub for weeks! Today, they finally got their chance! They invited their friends, Morgan, Grace and Miles over to enjoy their little dip!! They had a blast! There was water all over the place when they were done but they had a great time!
Hayley hangin' out--she kept complaining the water was tooo COLD!! Silly girl!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Service Project with the Young Single Adults
It was great weather tonight for the Clean-Up Project along the Walking Path in Clinton! We brought bags, rakes and a wagon to pick up trash and debris along the path. There were soda cans, plastic water bottles, garbage and even a mailbox (a cow mailbox to be exact) and lots of other stuff we cleaned up along our way. Scott was walking along with a rake and fishing lots of trash out of the water puddles. I kept Brittney and her friend, Alyssa (her dad is in the bishopric with Scott--and they are our really good friends), moving along. Mallory and Hayley were walking way ahead of me with several of the Young Single Adults. I'm so glad they were with them and kept them safe! We ended our night at the Wayment's for a BBQ! It was delicious!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Bike Ride

This afternoon, Scott, Hayley, Brittney and I went on a bike ride down the walking path. We were looking to make sure there was garbage to be picked up tomorrow when when the YSA have their service project. There was quite a bit of garbage! We had a great little ride too! Hayley loved being "the leader of the pack"!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Hayley's Pet
Why, it's Hayley's new pet!!!
While I was making dinner, Hayley came into the kitchen and she wanted to show me something upstairs. She made me close my eyes and she led me upstairs to her bedroom. When I opened my eyes, I saw Hayley's New Pet. There, sitting on her dresser, was a shoe box with about 2 inches of water in it (which was leaking out of the box) and she had a little plastic clown fish floating in the water. She was so proud and excited to have her own pet!! I totally burst her pride when I quickly took the box into the bathroom to dump out the water which had started puddling on top of her dresser. She couldn't quite understand why she couldn't keep the fish in a shoe box on her dresser!
What a cutie!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day

Ok- I totally got spoiled on Mother's Day this year! Scott bought me an iPhone 3GS! We haven't owned a cell phone in almost 6 years and Scott went out and got me the nicest one on the market! My goodness--this thing does everything!! I have a ton to learn! Scott couldn't wait until Mother's Day to give it to me. I guess he bought it on Wednesday (the 5th) and he called me at 8:15 a.m. on Friday (the 7th). (On a side note: 8:15 in the morning is pretty busy at our house because I'm trying to get everybody ready to leave to take Mallory to school--getting hair done, breakfast, backpack packed, etc.-- a pretty hectic time.) He told me to go over by the computer because he wanted me to check on something for him. I told him the computer wasn't turned on yet and I asked if he wanted to wait while it booted up or if he wanted to call back in 5 minutes. He kept telling me to go over by the computer. I could hear this "New" noise and I couldn't figure out what it was. Scott kept asking me what the noise was and I kept telling him I had no idea. Finally, he had to tell me to look on top of the bookshelf on the computer desk and there was my phone, just a ringing because Scott kept calling it!
I am now up-to-date technologically in the Cell Phone Department. The Young Single Adults have given Scott and I such a hard time about not having a cell phone. We held out for a long time. I'm really glad I have one because I worry about the kids not being able to get a hold of us if there was a problem at school or when we aren't home. Now I have to learn how to use it!! I have no idea how to send a text message or what an app is but I'm sure I will learn quickly!!
The girls all made cards for me in Primary today that were so sweet! Mallory planted a sunflower for me at school and wrote a nice card. Hayley made me a key chain at preschool with a cute card too!
We went to Scott's mom's house for the annual pizza party and then to my Grandma Peterson's to meet up with my mom.
It turned out to be a wonderful day! I am so blessed and lucky to be called "Mother", "Mom", "Mommy" and "Mama"! I used to totally dread Mother's Day when I was in my 20's before I became a mother! I have three beautiful daughters that want so bad to do what is right and to make Heavenly Father and Jesus happy! They all love to learn and they want to make me happy! I am so lucky!!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Last Soccer Game of the Season
Mallory and Hayley had their last game as "The Purple Butterflies" tonight. It was COLD again! It seems that every game this spring was just COLD!!! Mallory didn't seem to mind at all.
Mallory scored another goal tonight. She is quite the soccer player! She is not afraid at all to get in and get after the ball. She is good to follow up any shots she makes to the goal--just in case the goalie misses, she can try for another shot!!
Hayley did great tonight too! She had a little break away where she kicked it 2 or 3 times in row!
Way to go GIRLS!!
Mallory scored another goal tonight. She is quite the soccer player! She is not afraid at all to get in and get after the ball. She is good to follow up any shots she makes to the goal--just in case the goalie misses, she can try for another shot!!
Hayley did great tonight too! She had a little break away where she kicked it 2 or 3 times in row!
Way to go GIRLS!!
Georgia and Hayley playing on the sidelines!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Library Day
Today, Brittney and Mallory set up their own little Libraries with different "Collections" of books. First, they got everything set up and then they asked Hayley, Scott and I to come and check out one of their books. It was so fun to watch them and to hear their thinking. Brittney laid out her "Collections" so systematically and they had to be lined up against the wall "just so". Mallory was talking about how the library is at their school. You can see by her little Library that is a lot like the Library at school.
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