7 years ago
Friday, December 23, 2016
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Baptisms for the Dead with Mallory-- June 10th
Mallory and I went to the Ogden Temple to do Baptisms for the Dead for some of our ancestors. We tried to take a selfie while looking into the sun-- which didn't work out so well. What a great day to be in the Ogden Temple and to be there with Mallory!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Stake YW's Camp Preparations
This week has kind of been a whirl wind! On Monday, I worked all day on camp things—compiling sign-up sheets and sending a big informational email. Becky (the camp director, I am the assistant stake camp director) left last Thursday and was gone 10 days! I am kind of down to the wire with just 14 days until camp and next week is the Peterson Cabin trip. I accomplished a lot for camp this week—printing and laminating certification cards, formatting a schedule for all the girls, ordering charms and crimp beads, ordering more crimp beads, purchasing jewelry making tools at JoAnn’s with 40% of coupons (and having several people come with me to use other coupons I had) plus writing and answering many emails and texts and phone calls along with three different meetings. I think I spent about 30 hours on camp this week alone!! I am looking forward to it!!
I dreamed that the cinch backpacks I ordered were made out of gauze fabric that ripped as soon as they girls touched them. Luckily, they arrived on Thursday, just as I hoped they would be—they will work nicely to hold the girl’s scriptures and Ensigns.
I dreamed that the cinch backpacks I ordered were made out of gauze fabric that ripped as soon as they girls touched them. Luckily, they arrived on Thursday, just as I hoped they would be—they will work nicely to hold the girl’s scriptures and Ensigns.
Stake YW Camp 2016
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Piano Guys Concert
Tonight was our long awaited for Piano Guys Concert at Usana Amphitheater in West Valley (we gave Mallory the tickets for her birthday). We got there at 6:30 to find a place in the lawn seating and the concert didn’t start until after 8:30 when the sun had gone down on the stage. It was such a great concert! They added humor and seriousness to their show. They played classical music along with popular music and even a few hymns. It was so good! We were able to be a part of a music video they recorded live for YouTube for their new song "Okay". They played it twice and the audience was asked to wave our phones in the air with our flashlights on. We just may be famous! Haha This concert was definitely worth it! The girls were enthralled and inspired! My favorite song they played was “How Great Thou Art” mixed with a classical piece. They played their music video in the background of where they shot the video in Rio de Janero at the Christus statue and near a beautiful waterfall in Brazil in the rainforest. We also really liked the version of Pachelbel’s Canon they did too---it was hilarious!
Piano Guys
Clinton City Days Parade
This morning was the Clinton City parade. It now goes down the street right behind our house. Aleece and her kids came over and we sat with a lot of neighbors and friends to watch the parade. The girls all got a lot of candy (especially salt water taffy), cola bottles of water, necklaces and frisbees.
Clinton City
Friday, July 15, 2016
Clinton City Days Carnival and Movie
This week is Clinton Heritage Days. At about 8:30 p.m. tonight, we headed out as a family to the carnival. We bought some tickets and Mallory convinced Hayley and Brittney they need to ride the Ferris wheel. When Hayley got on, she told the Ferris wheel operator how scared so was. He gave her a few pointers as they loaded their chair. Brittney decided to go with me. The guy wouldn’t take my tickets because he said he always lets parents ride free with their kids. As soon as Brittney and I went up into the air so another chair could be loaded, Brittney started to cry and wanted to get off (we were waiting almost at the top of the ride at this time while others were loading). I convinced Brittney that she was alright and wasn’t going to throw up if she just closed her eyes. Brittney and I made it through the 20-minute ride (which including loading everyone and then going around a dozen times without stopping). Brittney was more than willing to get off when it was our turn. Brittney does have bragging rights over Scott since she made it longer than he did on the Ferris wheel (from many years ago before the girls were born). When he got to Mallory and Hayley, he asked if they wanted to stay on a few more minutes. They said yes and their 20-minute ride turned into a 45-minute ride. Hayley was a little scared at first but then she really liked it.
We ended up going down the huge slide as a family and then the girls went again.
We also stayed for the last half of the movie in the park, the new Star Wars movie. It ended at 11:45 p.m.!
Clinton City Days
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Great Aunt Elva's Funeral
This morning, I was able to attend my Great Aunt Elva Peterson Hackwell's funeral in Ogden. It was a blessing to me being able to be there. When I arrived, I was relieved to see my Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Jon walking in the building. I was excited to see my Aunt LaRae and Uncle Lyle in the foyer when I walked in (they received permission to attend the funeral from their zone leader-- they are serving a full time mission in the Family History Library in Salt Lake). I went in and talked to my dad's cousin, Kay, Elva's daughter.
I have great memories of Aunt Elva (my Grandpa Peterson's sister) at our Peterson Family Christmas parties. She was always dressed just beautifully with every hair in place. She was a former kindergarten teacher also and so we had that connection.
It was so good to be with family! When I went back into the foyer, my sweet grandma had arrived along with my Aunt Tamara. A few minutes later, my Aunt Jami came in, she had drive down from Idaho. I attended the family prayer along with my grandma, aunts and uncles. During the funeral, I was sitting on a row together with my Grandma Peterson, my aunts and uncles. During the funeral, I was pretty emotional because I felt the strength of my Peterson family-- they were filling that void of my parents. I felt of their strength and love and I could not control my emotions very well.
Aunt Elva's funeral was beautiful. Her grandson, Erik, sang one of my favorite hymns (especially the words and meaning in Spanish) "Abide with Me" (in Spanish, the title is "Acompaname" or accompany me-- I just love thinking of that closeness). Roger, Elva's grandson-in-law gave a beautiful talk and her son, Richard's talk was wonderful (I think he ought to add his talk to his mother's memory page on familysearch.org). Richard shared tons of memories of his mother and father and how they met and stories of my Great Grandfather Peterson.
After we walked out of the funeral, I gave my Aunt Jami a hug and just started bawling again. I was finally composed enough to tell my aunts and uncles how they were strengthening me in my parents absence. They then understood why I was having such a hard time during the funeral. I told my aunt, " I just need an aunt hug" and I have been known to ask a wonderful friend, Linda Wayment, in my ward for a "mom hug" on at lease one occasion in the past few months. I am very blessed to have wonderful family in my life-- family who loves me no matter what-- family who would do anything for me -- family who has know me my entire life. What a great blessing eternal extended families are! I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for reminding me of the great love of family!
Peterson Family
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Classic Waterslides
The girls and I went with Julie and Brittyn to Classic Waterslide in Riverdale and we had a great time. It wasn’t very crowded and the girls went down slide after slide after slide (I went down too—I learned that it was best if I didn’t sit on a mat—I went really fast if I was sitting on a mat and got knocked all over—I’m too old for that!) We got there right after it opened and stayed until they closed at 6. We had buy one admission get one free coupons we used so it was a great day for only $19 (plus $4 total for snow cones). Not bad for an afternoon of fun and water slides!
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Mallory's IKEA cart
Today we had to run an errand in Salt Lake for Scott so we met Sarah and her kids at Ikea. I had never been there before so we grabbed lunch and looked around. It’s a bit of an overwhelming store! There were two things I had seen that people had purchased at Ikea so that’s what I was looking for. We looked around for about an hour before we needed to head home. Mallory bought herself a little teal cart with three shelves which she was excited to put together all by herself (which she did as soon as we got home from a church meeting-- she was able to do it all by herself reading the instructions-- Mallory is quite handy).
Mallory's Violin
This morning, I decided to look again on KSL Classifeids to see if I could find Mallory a violin. I have been looking off and on for the past few weeks.
Mallory is going to be taking orchestra in junior high and she is so very excited to play the violin. She has wanted to learn to play the violin for quite awhile (I admit, I have been the reluctant one-- I wasn't sure how she could do one more thing along with piano, soccer and Young Women's and just being a 12 year old). I finally decided I wouldn't stress about it and just let her try things she really wants to do. Scott and I decided we would rather buy a used violin instead of renting one hence my search for a violin. I had looked many times online but I have been very leery of buying one from someone I didn't know and having to meet them somewhere safe to look at a violin -- an instrument I do not know much about. Most of the violins in our price range where in Salt Lake and I didn't want to drive to SLC not knowing if I would purchase the violin we went to see. I had no idea what brand of violin to buy. I heard there are a lot of cheapies out there which are not good at all.
Anyway, today I looked and a violin I had seen online two weeks earlier was still online in North Ogden for an awesome price. There were 7-8 pictures of the violin with closeup pictures of the bow, the case, the bridge, and the fine tuners plus the inside with the the violin makers stamp. I looked online and saw that to buy the same violin would be $500 new. I decided to text the lady to see if it was still available. Luckily it was so I asked to set up a time to meet. We decided on 11 am today at a park in North Ogden (she told me she was sticking close to home because she was potty training so I felt good about meeting her-- she was a mom who cared). She texted me a bit later telling me that someone else was interested and I told her we would be there for sure with cash to buy the violin. We made it to the park and saw this beauty. The lady played the violin an taught violin and used this violin for demonstration purposes only. She now plays and teaches French Horn so she was looking for a good home for this violin. She told me all about the violin and how she worked in a music store and was able to purchase the violin for half off the regular price (and we were able to buy it for less than she paid and it has hardly been used).
It is a beautiful instrument that will be perfect for Mallory! There isn't a scratch or anything on it. Mallory is so excited! I really feel this was the perfect purchase and I almost feel like we were lead and guided to it!
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Mallory Boating Trip with the Youth at Willard Bay
Mallory went boating for their combined youth activity this month. I was lucky to get a picture of Mallory since Bailey snapped a picture of her. Mallory had such a great time riding the tube with lots of her friends.
Young Women's
Friday, July 8, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
4th of July
We were invited to the Bailey's so the kids could go down their blow up waterslide. We were down there for a good part of the day. We had our own little BBQ and then the Bailey's came to our house to watch fireworks (we had purchased a few).
4th of July
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Lyden's Baby Blessing
Lydnen's baby blessing today was beautiful. We were so glad we were able to go to go to Lehi and share her special day. Sarah and Trent's ward meets from 2:30-5:30 p.m.We attended two full church blocks today! Right before Sacrament Meeting started, Sarah asked if Aleece and I could fill in for my mom and write down Lynden's blessing-- well I can't do shorthand like mom so I wrote as fast as I could phrases from her blessing
The girls were excited because they were able to go to class with cousins. Hayley, Kaitlin, and Kortney all went with Paeten (and that isn't even including all the boys who went with them). While in Relief Society, I was asked if I was Sarah's mom lol. I guess the lady behind me saw all the white/gray streaks in my hair and thought I must be Sarah's mom. I think she realized things as soon as I turned around. She might have been a little embarrassed. I just thought it was funny! I told her I was Sarah's older sister (only by 7 years) and that our Mom and Dad were on a mission in Africa and that this was our Grandma, Betty Wood, sitting next to me. (I have had a few of those open mouth and insert foot experiences so I didn't take anything to heart--it was just humorous!)
After church, Sarah had reserved the park pavillion behind their home for a dinner. It was a great way to break the fast and eat yummy food. Trent smoked some yummy meat and their were plenty of desserts. We really enjoyed spending time together and talking with family and Trent's family. We watched David biff it trying out a hoverboard and falling on his keester too. Grandma Wood was able to come with us which was good. We were happy to see Rachael and Klint and their family up from Cedar City and we missed seeing Leslie and Doug and Rebecca and Joe and their families plus my Mom and Dad were definitely missed.
The girls were excited because they were able to go to class with cousins. Hayley, Kaitlin, and Kortney all went with Paeten (and that isn't even including all the boys who went with them). While in Relief Society, I was asked if I was Sarah's mom lol. I guess the lady behind me saw all the white/gray streaks in my hair and thought I must be Sarah's mom. I think she realized things as soon as I turned around. She might have been a little embarrassed. I just thought it was funny! I told her I was Sarah's older sister (only by 7 years) and that our Mom and Dad were on a mission in Africa and that this was our Grandma, Betty Wood, sitting next to me. (I have had a few of those open mouth and insert foot experiences so I didn't take anything to heart--it was just humorous!)
After church, Sarah had reserved the park pavillion behind their home for a dinner. It was a great way to break the fast and eat yummy food. Trent smoked some yummy meat and their were plenty of desserts. We really enjoyed spending time together and talking with family and Trent's family. We watched David biff it trying out a hoverboard and falling on his keester too. Grandma Wood was able to come with us which was good. We were happy to see Rachael and Klint and their family up from Cedar City and we missed seeing Leslie and Doug and Rebecca and Joe and their families plus my Mom and Dad were definitely missed.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Scott's Week (with many tender mercies and the Lord's hand)
Monday, June 27th was crazy! Scott had to get a lot of things in order before he left to go to the Wind Rivers again in Wyoming with the YM for a 50 mile canoe trip. Right before he came home from work, his brother Brent called to see if Scott could come by and give him a blessing. I told him that Scott was leaving in the morning and that he had someone in the Ward pass away. I told Brent Scott would call when he got home (I didn't want to promise anything when I knew Scott had a ton on his plate already. I asked Brent if he was alright (he had pneumonia and was in the hospital for a week and had a long recovery plus he had kidney stones on Father's Day when we saw him). Anyway, he said it was worse than that. I didn't ask anymore since it wasn't my place. When Scott got home about 15 minutes later, he called Brent (Larry had told Scott at work he would be calling). Scott felt strongly that he needed to go with Larry to Brent's but luckily no one else had things going that night. Scott ran with his counsellors to Sister Olsen's to help plan the funeral and then Scott headed to Brent's around 8:30 pm. Brent just found out he has cancer-- an incurable one that starts with an "m". Scott was really glad he went down. Brent doesn't ever call his brothers for anything because he usually calls his in-laws (Ralph and Sharon Miles) so it was big that he called Scott, Larry and his dad. Scott didn't get home until 10:15.
Right before Scott got home, his nephew, Justin, stopped by to give him some cinnamon rolls (a little tender mercy). Scott had told Justin everything that was going on so his wife, Natalie, made him a treat--Scott's favorite treat. Scott was up until 1:30 writing emails to his counselors with everything they could do to help him line things up for the funeral while he was gone. Scott hadn't done one stitch of packing. He went to bed and woke up at 4:30 to start packing. The YM were supposed to leave at 5 but they didn't end up leaving until 6:15 while they waited for Scott.
They had a great time! There was a lightning storm on Friday night so Scott couldn't get back across the lake to get home. Luckily it was nice Saturday morning at 5:30 am for him to make it home by 10:30 a.m. in time for the funeral things to start at 11:30.
Scott made it home for the funeral. I went with him and the girls stayed home. We didn't quite know what to do during the viewing part. Scott was really nervous and was pacing around. He would stand in one place and then move 3-4 feet and then motion for me to come and stand by him. He just wanted me to follow where he was pacing. It was kind of funny. Scott did a great job conducting the funeral and he spoke at the end. I didn't write anything down but the spirit was strong and he said just what needed to be said. He had a few experiences with the YM that he said were wonderful teaching opportunities that he shared during the funeral. They were able to capture this awesome picture of a full rainbow (taken with CJ's cell phone-- I can't image what it would have looked like with a better camera), he felt was A sign of God's love for him and for Brother Olsen (I can't remember exactly how he said it but it was profound).
Right before Scott got home, his nephew, Justin, stopped by to give him some cinnamon rolls (a little tender mercy). Scott had told Justin everything that was going on so his wife, Natalie, made him a treat--Scott's favorite treat. Scott was up until 1:30 writing emails to his counselors with everything they could do to help him line things up for the funeral while he was gone. Scott hadn't done one stitch of packing. He went to bed and woke up at 4:30 to start packing. The YM were supposed to leave at 5 but they didn't end up leaving until 6:15 while they waited for Scott.
They had a great time! There was a lightning storm on Friday night so Scott couldn't get back across the lake to get home. Luckily it was nice Saturday morning at 5:30 am for him to make it home by 10:30 a.m. in time for the funeral things to start at 11:30.
Scott made it home for the funeral. I went with him and the girls stayed home. We didn't quite know what to do during the viewing part. Scott was really nervous and was pacing around. He would stand in one place and then move 3-4 feet and then motion for me to come and stand by him. He just wanted me to follow where he was pacing. It was kind of funny. Scott did a great job conducting the funeral and he spoke at the end. I didn't write anything down but the spirit was strong and he said just what needed to be said. He had a few experiences with the YM that he said were wonderful teaching opportunities that he shared during the funeral. They were able to capture this awesome picture of a full rainbow (taken with CJ's cell phone-- I can't image what it would have looked like with a better camera), he felt was A sign of God's love for him and for Brother Olsen (I can't remember exactly how he said it but it was profound).
Tender Mercy,
Young Men
Friday, July 1, 2016
Hiking Elephant Rock
We went with Aleece and her kids to hike Elephant Rock in Bountiful today. It was a 6.8 mile round trip hike! (I didn't tell my girls how long it was.) The night before, I had the girls put together their own little first aid kits to pack with them. Hayley's little kit came in handy when Arika tripped and fell. Hayley whipped her little kit out and was taking care of the cut on her knee. They each carried their own water and lunch too. We had a great time. It was a pretty shady hike most of the way and only one person complained a little (Mallory).
We went to Mrs. Cavanaughs for yummy ice cream comes and chocolate mint truffles (that just melted in your mouth) before heading home.
Bountiful Temple Visit
We stopped by the Bountiful Temple today for our Northern Utah Temple Tour! Aleece and her kids met us there. We took a few pictures and Hayley taught us a few things about the Bountiful Temple. We have been loving this temple tour with started! My girls and I have made it to every one so far.
Northern Utah Temple Tour 2016,
Friday, June 3, 2016
Award's Assembly at Fremont Elementary
This morning was the Award’s Assembly at school!
The first
award they did was the “Hope of America” Award. This award is given to the top
6th grade students at school from the Kiwanis Club who display
leadership qualities. Mallory received this award from the Sunset City Mayor
who is also the Kiwanis Club President for Northern Davis County. Mallory,
Emmalee Slater, Kaylee Cardenas and Janeth Ameda received the award—all girls.
Mallory’s teacher had told me she would be receiving this award three weeks ago
so I could plan to be there. They had the parents come up and have our pictures
taken when they gave the presentation. It was really neat! Mallory lead the Pledge of
Allegiance in the assembly also.
Mallory received the following awards in the assembly:
Mallory received the following awards in the assembly:
· -Hope of America
· -Top Math Student in her class
· - Davis Decathlon Participant
· - Student Council 2015-2016
· -Library Assistant Service Award
· -Trophy for Davis County Math Olympiad
Mallory also received a class award of being the best writer in her class. I guess she got 29/30 on her Final State Writing Assessment!
Mallory also received a class award of being the best writer in her class. I guess she got 29/30 on her Final State Writing Assessment!
Hayley and her friend Shaylee at the Award's Assembly |
Hayley received the following awards in the assembly:
· - Davis Decathlon Participant
· - Perfect Attendance Award for 2015-2016
· - Student Council 2015-2016
· -
Library Assistant Service Award
· -Trophy for Davis County Math Olympiad
Hayley was also called up as the 2016-2017
Student Council!!
Brittney received the following award in the assembly:
· - Top Math Student in her class
After the Award’s Assembly, 2nd grade had their
own trophy ceremony for all those who read 100 hours during the school year (which
entails reading 25-30 minutes per night all school year). Brittney was so
excited to get her trophy! She ended up turning in reading logs for over 140 hours but I know she read a lot more than that! Way to be Brittney B!!!
Fremont Elementary,
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
6th Grade Market Day
Mallory and her friend Mackenzie set up a store today at the 6th Grade Market day. They had to come up with a business name (Sweet-Tarts), purchase store space and purchase a business license to sale their things using Crazy Cash. They had a great time and sold out quickly and were able to use their earnings to purchase from other stores.
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