What Julie's vacuum looks like |
Today I cleaned the house. I got everything cleaned but vacuuming. The other day, I cut all the
hair and stuff off the vacuum roller and since then I could’t get the roller to
move. I had told Scott about it but I always told him when it was not a
convenient time for him to check it out. I fiddled with our vacuum for about 10
minutes with no luck. As I looked around the house, I thought, “Man, I really
need to vacuum and then I can say the house is clean’. I decided to go ask
Julie if I could borrow her vacuum. She, more than willingly, let me borrow her
I started vacuuming and when I got to Mallory’s room, I ran over a
bobby pin (I couldn’t see it in the carpet). Julie’s vacuum was making a noise
and I could tell a bobby pin was stuck somewhere. (I do not like borrowing
things for this specific reason). I turned the vacuum off and unplugged it and
turned it over to see if I could free the bobby pin. The bobby pin could not be seen. As I manually turned the roller, I could hear it click with
every turn. I decided to get a screw driver and I took off the bottom plate of
the vacuum—I still couldn’t see the bobby pin but I could still hear it. There were other things I could unscrew but I wasn't about to take the motor out- since I'm not handy putting things back together (hence my predicament with my own vacuum). In my
mind I was wondering how I was going to tell Julie I broke her vacuum and how I
was going to tell Scott we needed to buy Julie a new vacuum plus get us a new
I put the bottom back on Julie’s and was just about ready to go talk to
Julie. Right before I went out the front door, I stopped and decided to say a
prayer. I told Heavenly Father about my little predicament and I apologized for
praying over a little insignificant thing such as a vacuum. I ended my prayer
and thought, plug the vacuum in one more time and turn it on. As I turned the
vacuum on, I heard a swoosh sound right up the hose and the clicking noise
from the bobby pin was gone!!!! I got all teary eyed realizing how instantly
Heavenly Father had answered my prayer. I had tried all I felt I could do to
resolve the problem and when I didn’t know what else to do I prayed and He
answered that little prayer!! I had to take a minute to say another prayer of
gratitude and acknowledging that Heavenly Father had indeed answered my prayer—it
wasn’t by chance that the bobby pin was unstuck.
Later, I was able to share my
little prayer experience with Mallory, Hayley and Brittney on the way home from
school (Mallory’s eyes were pretty wide as I was telling the beginning of the
story since she knew it was her bobby pin she had just thrown on the floor), I
also told Scott about it and I told Julie about how I prayed for her
vacuum. It was a good little experience
that I need to remember—Heavenly Father does care about the little things in
our lives--nothing is too insignificant to pray over!!
I also had a totally clean house for about 15 minutes since I finished just in time to get the girls from school!