Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brittney's FREE AT LAST!!!!!!!

We redid sleeping arrangements at the Ropelato Household. Us girls decided Dad could still sleep inside the house-he was really grateful for our kindness!!! Mallory had totally outgrown the toddler bed (the top of her head touched one end of the bed and her toes the other) so we decided it was time to get Mallory a new bed. Brittney is in a BIG GIRL BED and no longer in a crib!! Freedom at last!! We moved Brittney in will Hayley and Hayley revels in being the BIG sister now!
Brittney in her new bed lovin' life!

Everyone is excited!!

New bed today, car tomorrow!! Life goes by sooo fast!
Mallory invited Hayley over for a "sleep over" the first few nights she had her big bed but she always renigged on her offer right before bedtime. Mom and Dad stepped in and Hayley finally got her chance to sleep over!! Mallory did later confess that she missed sleeping in the same room as Hayley but she has quickly gotten over that.
Mallory and Hayley really are the Best of Friends (most of the time)!!!

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