The Young Single Adults held their annual Sledding Activity on Monte Cristo again this year! It was a lot of fun but a lot of work (for Scott--THANKS!!--Scott was at work last night pumping up tubes and getting things ready until 10:30 p.m. and he left this morning at 7:45 a.m. to go set up and he got home at 8 p.m and still had to unload the trailer)!!! Scott hauls in a table, chairs, firewood and intertubes into the tubing hill and makes a nice set up for this sledding activity! Scott's nephew, Justin, comes and help him. They use the snowmobiles to give everyone a ride to the top of the hill so you can just sled down!!! Mallory went down the hill at least 20 times herself!! She had a blast!! Hayley and Brittney each went down about 3 or 4 times (Brittney really surprised me because she liked it so much!!).
All week Mallory has been planning this activity. She knew Jackson was coming (our friends plus his dad is now in the Bishopric of the YSA ward with Scott) so she had everything planned out!! She talked all week about how many times she and Jackson would go down the hill! She is so funny!
It turned out to be a really nice day--it was sunny and warm and not cold at all! We had a fun time! There were a few other adventures today but I won't go into detail (Erin getting the truck stuck in the snow in the snowmobile parking lot--I didn't take any pictures--and our adventures on the way home plus getting Mallory and Hayley ready for a birthday party in 40 minutes after we got home from sledding--baths, dinner and all!) What an eventful day it was!!!
Justin getting ready to take Jackson and Mallory up the hill AGAIN!!

The loaded trailer (minus the inflated intertubes, another snowmobile)