Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Olympics 2010

I don't know about the rest of you, but we have totally been sucked into watching the Olympics! Scott and I stay up at least until 11 watching the Olympics and then we stay up an additional 30 minutes at least to watch the news. Needless to say, we are pretty tired when it's time to wake up in the morning!
I love watching the figure skating (I was so excited we won GOLD in the Men's figure skating --go Evan Lysacheck --I know I totally misspelled his name!!). Women's moguls were awesome and the Snowboarding--WOW!! The downhill events were awesome especially because the USA received medals in so many events!
GO USA!!!!
Well after a few nights of being glued to the TV from 7 p.m. on, I decided I was wasting a lot of time (I don't just sit very well--I am a total multi-tasker and I would rather be accomplishing something while I just sit). I decided I would pull out the baby blankets and burps that I need to crochet around for some upcoming baby gifts. I managed to finish 2 big blankets and 3 burps (I ran out of thread to finish the last!) in just 4 nights of watching the Olympics! I wasn't crocheting nonstop because I couldn't crochet and watch figure skating at the same time and I had kids to bathe and put to bed. Tonight I went and bought another blanket and burp set along with more thread so I will be back in business (too bad the store didn't have another cute girl set--I know a lot of people having girls!!). I am really glad I was able to finish these gifts--here they are!!

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